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Charming plans vs zombies 2 download DFM Probe Logger Manual A user manual for DFM Probe Loggers version 5.01 Revision /06/2016 DFM Software Solutions cc Content DFM Logger 1 Download Probe Data 2 Logger Menus 3 Main Menu 4 Setup Menus FusionSolar Smart PV Solution Huawei Technologies CO., LTD. 20,000 green base sites Neimenggu, China Huawei has deployed nearly 20,000 green base sites powered by wind and solar energy, realized 80% reduction Each phase can be independently parameterized with a fundamental frequency, all multiple harmonics (up to the 15th) and one free harmonic (up to the 50th). Waveforms can be saved and imported in csv files and launched in a sequence. The rectifier is equipped with a software controlled soft start to start the rectifier on a ramp after mains failure. The restart of parallel systems is done in steps so that not all UPS s are starting at the same time.